Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A lot of times I look back at all of the wonderful friends I have had in my life...and think about some that were not so great...and in trying to figure out why we need friends anyway, I have come up with this:

Relationships...whether with friends, family or lovesr...are meant to make us better people. I used to believe that a true friend would just accept me for who I am...but after getting married and looking back on my best friends of all time...it's more than that...in fact, they don't accept you for who you are...they join in a journey to the person that God created you to be

Relationships that are meaningful are the ones that are filled with so much love that an argument or a few harsh words will never destroy...the true friend will honestly tell you how they feel and will let you know what they appreciate about you...they will stand beside you when you realize who you really are...they will join you in the pits of despair...and they will laugh with you so hard that you both pee your pants (ok...so maybe these are just my friends)

I have been very lucky to have more than one friend like this in my life...and I give all the credit to God and to them for the person I am today

Much love,
Emily Elizabeth


  1. What an incredible insight, Em: "they don't accept you for who you are...they join in a journey to the person that God created you to be." It is a special friend who can do this.
    love you, mom

  2. Emily I hope you realize that you ARE that friend, also... encouraging and uplifting those in your life. You're that little light that shines. :)
