Wednesday, May 30, 2012

More Coke

More Coke from onetimeblind on GodTube.

If you have some time, I highly recommend this skit that our teens (and youth sponsors) enjoyed this weekend at SNU Extravaganza. So much truth presented in the simplest way...

How many times have we squandered our gifts because we wanted someone else's....seriously...we are so foolish. Luckily, God gives us gifts regardless of our shortcomings and allows us to participate in His beautiful and exciting plan...God, help me to appreciate and treasure my 8 oz Coke.

Much love,
Emily Elizabeth

Friday, May 18, 2012

be kind

Incidents happen all the time where we have the choice to be kind and thoughtful or harsh and a meanie head...I hate when others choose the latter...and I am ashamed when I choose to be a meanie head, too...but a simple kind word after you have been a meanie head is appreciated, even if you are never told that it was.

Just a thought.

Much love,
Emily Elizabeth

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

love through mistakes

I was reading Jesus Calling, a devotional book, this morning...and today's entry was such a great reminder of God's love for us through our short comings:
Don't be so hard on yourself. I can bring good even out of your mistakes. Your finite mind tends to look backwards, longing to undo decisions you have come to regret. This is a waste of time and energy, leading only to frustration. Instead of floundering in the past, release your mistakes to Me. Look to Me in trust, anticipating that My infinite creativity can weave both good choices and bad into a lovely design.

Because you are human, you will continue to make mistakes. Thinking that you should live an error-free life is symptomatic of pride. Your failures can be a source of blessing, humbling you and giving you empathy for other people in their weaknesses. Best of all, failure highlights your dependence on Me. I am able to bring beauty out of the morass of your mistakes. Trust Me, and watch to see what I will do.
{Romans 8:28, Micah 7:7}
I have seen His faithfulness through my mistakes in big ways in my life...knowing that He will redeem whatever silly things I do as long as I am committing my life to Him is so freeing! I hope you can rest in that today.

Much love,
Emily Elizabeth