Thursday, February 16, 2012

room for love (and creating)

I didn't post anything for Valentine's Day because (I didn't feel like it) and it should last all month! And, at my house, it's Valentine's Day every day...well, at least in my craft is some of my everyday decor in my favorite room in our home:
 First and foremost, here is my deer...inherited from my grandfather, because when I was little I must have told him I wanted it :)...his presence makes us fit in a little better around here, but sadly, he does not have a name (any suggestions?) He sports yarn, a scarf and "love"...the perfect combination, if you ask me
 Then, there is my "Chicago Corner" that commemorates my year in Mission Year...I would say that during my time in Chicago is when I really learned what love is...Here you see art from mentally disabled adults that I worked with during my time there and a picture of part of the skyline...and penguins for good measure :)
Last, but not least, my pink sock monkey (who also doesn't have a name...) and some tins from Paris...I love them...

Sometimes I think that my craft room is a little reminiscent of my college dorm room...I guess it was just that cool :)

Much love,
Emily Elizabeth

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