Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A text for Tuesday

In response to a recent post on The Newlin Weds blog, my dear soul sister, Justina, sent me this text:

{Just read the newlin weds blog...latest two entries.  Really impacted me Em.  You live so intentionally with these boys its making many of my relationships seem shallow.  REAL family is REALLY painful.  thanks for sharing.  i pray that God protects you and Jon emotionally and gives you what you need for each day...you have so much love in your heart and this has been a long obedience.  I am so proud of you and jon.  Whatever happens, the Lord is with you.}

That is one great text.  Thank you, Stina, for your ever present love and encouragement in my life...you are a precious source of love for me.

I also thought about how wonderful it is for me to go to school and get so much encouragement there as well...it makes me feel for the hubbs.  His network is so limited here.  So, if you feel led...send him an encouraging email :)  jonathannewlin@gmail.com

Much love,
Emily Elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken time out to email Jon. Your messages have been so encouraging to both of us! We are blessed to have such wonderful support!

    Much love,
